Jars, Jars and More Jars - But Not What You May Think

What to do with Those Cute Little French Yogurt Pots - Part Deux

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Let's start this second part of our series, "What to do with Those Empty Yogurt Jars" by talking about lids. Several of you commented that you wish that they had a reusable lid. So I did a little research and guess what?




photo credit Oui Lids

These are from an Etsy shop, Oui Lids. Since they are custom made using a 3D printer they are a bit pricey but they fit well and because they are made of plant based bio-degradable material they help keep the planet happy. A win-win in my book.


Much to my delight I discovered that the small lids and rubber rings from one of my all time favorite canning jars, Weck (you know, the ones with the embossed strawberry) fits the Oui jars perfectly. The problem was that I couldn't find anyplace that sold just the lids, rings and clips until one night while combing the web I stumbled upon this website. These glass lids add the perfect amount of old world charm to your Oui jar while keeping its contents safely inside. I can't tell you how excited I was to find these.


Here they are with their new lids. Adorable!


 Now let's get going with more ideas using Yoplait's Oui jars.

Idea #1 Planters


About seven days ago I filled my empty Oui jars with sand, added some rye seed, kept them damp and watched them grow. Since then I found out that wheat seed might have been a better choice producing a broader blade. However my resident grass man assures me the rye will fatten up with time. I'll get back to you on that. (He was right, why do I doubt him? Four days later and I have a thick forest growing from my jars). See...


You probably will want to give your jars a good ten to fourteen days to grow before you need them. I love that you can see some of the roots through the glass too.


I think these would be such fun projects to do with children and would be a good way to get them involved with your Easter table decorations. 


Once the grass has sprouted and gets to the desired height just add chicks, nests and eggs. I added cut flower stems to fill in a bit. I think it would be fun to do a slightly different one for each place setting and if you're like me you probably wouldn't need to buy a thing.


 Can we take a moment to talk about chenille chicks?


What would spring be without them? As grandmothers I think it's our moral obligation to perpetuate the tradition of chenille chicks. Don't you agree?


Awk! The cuteness! Now back to more ideas...


Idea #2 Mod Podge

These next ideas all involve Mod Podge and a few other basic supplies.


I love these sweet Liberty of London cocktail napkins with their scalloped edges.


I simply separated the three plys and using Mod Podge, decoupaged the single ply of printed paper to the outside of the jar. 


I saw this next idea on Pinterest and thought it was so clever. I painted the outside of the jar with Mod Podge and rolled it in Epsom salts then added an embellishment and a candle  


to create a snowy candle holder.


The next one is a little hard to see but I added water and food coloring to Mod Podge, coated the inside of the jar with the solution then baked it until clear and dry. You can find complete instructions here.




Idea #3 Miniatures Under Glass 


I found the best place to buy itty bitty miniatures is Michaels. I think this would be an especially fun project for kids. I just cut a circle from construction paper then glued on the minis. Once dry I  applied Elmer's glue to the jar rim and attached it to the paper.


Idea #4 Snow Globe


To make a snow globe just add snowy beads (Hobby Lobby)


before gluing the jar to the paper round. I know what you're thinking - that glitter would be pretty, but trust me on this one. Glitter sticks to the inside walls of the jar. No Bueno.


Idea #5 Food

I love putting small bites into tiny jars and then serving them with little spoons (World Market). If you've attended BERNINA Club at Strawberry Patches in the past you've probably been served cheesecake, chocolate trifle, or banana pudding in a tiny glass containers. Gosh, one time I even served a class homemade tomato soup in small jars. Pinterest is full of recipes for desserts served in jars and I will link my Pinterest board here or some additional inspiration.

Oui jars are a perfect choice for serving and giving food.


Homemade jelly can be sealed with paraffin and topped with a cupcake paper. To secure the papers I lightly brushed the rim of the jars with a little Elmer's Glue and added a twine bow.


These would be cute as party favors. You'll have to imagine the above jar filled with candy corn. Candy corn is my nemesis so needless to say I can't be trusted buying it.


The very simplest dessert feels extra special in tiny jars and served with demitasse spoons


and because you have to take tiny bites you are forced to slow down and savor every delicious mouthful.


Here are some great additional ideas from some of our girl friends that were so generous to share:

Pam Vieira-McGinnis

Pam Vieira-McGinnis AKA Pam Kitty Morning - the jar is the perfect shape for the stem of her darling mushroom pincushion.

Karen Fabec

Karen Fabec used a vintage cookie cutter for a lid to her new sugar bowl. So clever.

Ginie Lewis

Ginie Lewis - sometimes labels are just too charming to remove. HeartsI love the Asian fusion here.


Margaret Palmer - first day of school flowers for the teacher.


Misty Cheshier - perfect. I love her addition of a charm.


Here is a link to my Oui board on Pinterest where you can find photos of all the ideas in my two posts.


Thank you Yoplait for taking a chance and introducing Americans to yogurt cultured in glass pots.  You've not only introduced us to the most incredible, fresh tasting, all natural yogurt but have provided us with an endless supply of crafting supplies.  HeartsNous vous aimons pour cela!

Encourage one another,


This post was not sponsored and all ideas, photos and opinions are my own except where noted.

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